
Primavera P6

Primavera P6
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22 Lessons in 1 Chapters
6 Hours & 54 Minutes
125 Students in 5 Countries
Selim Badwy BIM Manager
Studying Primavera P6 is a great way to dive into project management and scheduling software commonly used in industries like construction, engineering, and other large-scale projects.
  • Basic understanding of project management concepts.
  • Familiarity with project scheduling would be advantageous but not mandatory

  • Project Managers.
  • Project Planners/Schedulers
  • Construction Managers
  • Engineers and Architects
  • Consultants
  • Students/Aspiring Professionals
  • Professionals Seeking Career Advancement

  • Certificate from KAYAN Academy

  • 40% Assignments
  • 60% To pass the course and receive both Autodesk certificate & KAYAN Academy certificate you should:
    • Attending at least 80% of Course Hours.
    • Score more than 70% as a Total Score.



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Course Curriculum
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01-01 - install Primavera p6
01-02 - Project management by P6 intro
01-03 - primavera P6 interface
01-04 - primavera P6 Add Database
01-05 - Problem in database
01-06 - Transfer data base
01-07 - primavera P6 EPS
01-08 - primavera P6 OBS
01-09 - primavera P6 EPS - OBS
01-10 - primavera P6 Create Project
01-11 - primavera P6 Project Code
01-12 - primavera P6 Calender
01-13 - primavera P6 WPS
01-14 - primavera P6 Activities
01-15 - Critical path method
01-16 - CPM example
01-17 - Understand activty relation
01-18 - Original Duration
01-19 - Create Activities relation part 1
01-20 - Create Actities relation part 2
01-21 - Progress Update - get the Idea
01-22 - Progress Update