
BIM Management Diploma G35

BIM Management Diploma G35
1,000 USD 600 USD
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346 Lessons in 33 Chapters
91 Hours & 7 Minutes
76 Students in 5 Countries
Kayan Academy Certificate
FREE Autodesk Certificate
Selim Badwy BIM Manager

  • المحتوي التفصيلي لدوره البيم ( حضور في القاهره - مدينه نصر / تفاعلي علي زوم )
  • بعد اصدار بيان قوات المسلحه بأنها سوف لا تعتمد اي مخططات غير بصيغه الريفيت 
  • و بما ان معظم مشاريع الان تحت سيطره الهيئه الهندسيه للقوات المسلحه 
  • فأصبح لا مجال للعمل الا بتعلم البيم و اتقان اهم ادواته وهو الريفيت 
  • البرامج التي نتعامل معها في الكورس 
  • - يتم العمل علي برامج 
  • 1- الاتوكاد 
  • 2-الريفيت المعماري 
  • 3-الريفيت الانشائي 
  • 4-النافيس ورك
  • 5-البريمافيرا
  • 6-الدينامو 
  • الكورس عباره عن شرح تطبقي علي مشروع من اول محاضره 
  • يحصل المتدريب علي 4 شهادات من شركه اتوديسك وشهاده من شركه كيان للاستشارات الهندسيه 
  • لمن هذا الكورس 
  • 1- مهندسي المكتب الفني الانشائين والمعماريين 
  • 2- حديثي التخرج 
  • 3- مهندسي الموقع ليكون الخطوه القادمه هي العمل بمظومه تعمل بالبيم 
  • يؤهلك الكورس العمل كــــ 
  • 1-مهندس مكتب فني بيم 
  • 2-بيم كوردناتور 
  • 3-مهندس تخطيط 
  • 4- المكاتب الاستشارية التي تعمل بالبيم 
  • مدير نمذجه البيم بعد عدد من سنوات الخبره 
  • عدد ساعات الكورس : 100 ساعه مقمسه علي 25 محاضره 
  • يتم تسليم التاسك المطلوب منك قبل بدايه المحاضره والمناقشه مع المحاضر في الوقت المتاح للاسئله 
  • لمزيد من التفاصيل يرجي التواصل معنا بالظبط علي معرفه المزيد 
Course Curriculum
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01-01 - BIM Introduction
01-02 - BIM Introduction Questions
01-03 - Introduce yourself 1
01-04 - Hardwear and software requirement for Course
01-05 - Introduce yourself 2
01-06 - Softwares we will Use In Our diploma
02-01 - Revit Interface
02-02 - معطلات الرسم علي الريفيت
02-03 - Draw Wall 1
02-04 - Continue Draw wall Properties
02-05 - Save Project
02-06 - Grids
02-07 - Levels
02-08 - Floor Part 1
02-09 - Draw
02-10 - Modify Part 1
03-01 - التسجيل علي المنصه
03-02 - Modify Part 2
03-03 - Modify Part 3
03-04 - Modify Part 4 + Select
03-05 - Ceiling Part 1
03-06 - Ceiling Part 2
03-07 - Roof
03-08 - Project 1
04-01 - Revit Hierarchy
04-02 - Slanted Wall
04-03 - Slab Of Roof Floor
04-04 - Roof by Modify sub element
04-05 - Questions & Issues
04-06 - Task Of Lecture 3&4.
04-07 - Curtain Wall Part 1
04-08 - Curtain Wall Part 2
04-09 - Louver
04-10 - Curtain Wall 3
05-01 - Revision
05-02 - Opening Part 1
05-03 - Opening Part 2 Dormer
05-04 - Sky Light
05-05 - Structure Wall
05-06 - Structure Floor
05-07 - Str & Arch Columns
05-08 - Beams part 1
05-09 - Opening in Beams ( Stair - Arch )
05-10 - System beams
05-11 - Hollow Block ( Waffle Slab )
05-12 - Metal Deck Floor
06-01 - Isolated Footing
06-02 - Wall Foundation
06-03 - Slab Foundation part 1
06-04 - Slab Foundation Part 2
06-05 - Isolated Footing Part 02
06-06 - Pile Caps
06-07 - Raft on Piles
06-08 - Stairs Essentials
06-09 - Edit Stair part 1
06-10 - Edit Stair Part 2
06-11 - Edit Stair Part 3
06-12 - Stair revision (example)
07-01 - BIM Workflow
07-02 - CDE
07-03 - CDE part 2
07-04 - Naming Convention
07-05 - Insert CAD to Revit
07-06 - Linking Hiercy
07-07 - Copy moniter
07-08 - Create Structute Columns - Walls
07-09 - Continue Walls
08-01 - RC foundation
08-02 - RC Foundation cont
08-03 - Material - PC Foundation
08-04 - Ground Beam
08-05 - PC for Ground Beam
08-06 - Slab of Ground Floor Part 1
08-07 - Slab of Ground Floor Part 2
08-08 - Structure Beam of Ground Floor
08-09 - Copy Past Throw Levels
08-10 - Slab of First Floor
08-11 - Structure Beam of First floor ( Arch Beam )
09-01 - Revision ( Structure Modeling )
09-02 - Architecture Plan Over view
09-03 - Insert CAD Plan To Arch FF
09-04 - Hericy of Ar-wall modeling
09-05 - Modeling of Architecture Wall
09-06 - Hericy of Ar-Floor modeling
09-07 - Alignment Of Stucture Column on Ar-Walls
09-08 - Rooms Essentail - Modeling
10-01 - Arch Basic Wall - Adjustment
10-02 - Creating Curtain window
10-03 - Edit & Place Doors
10-04 - Creating Finish Wall - Interior
10-05 - Finish Wall - Adjustment
10-06 - Cont. Finish Wall - Adjustment
10-07 - Ceiling Finish
10-08 - Wazrat by wall
10-09 - wazara by wall sweep
10-10 - Conisha by wall sweep
10-11 - Tricks - Conisha by wall sweep
10-12 - Visabilty & Graphics ( VV )
10-13 - What is Next ?
11-01 - Extracting Stair Data
11-02 - Structure Stair Modeling
11-03 - Architecture Stair Modeling
11-04 - Stairs IN Our Building
11-05 - Ramps from zero to hero
11-06 - Railing
11-07 - Whats Should Delivery ( Tasks )
12-01 - Overview
12-02 - Exterior Finish Vertical Element ( Wall )
12-03 - Extreroir Finish (Horizoltal- curved element ) ( Floor - Roof - Ceiling )
12-04 - GRC - Wall sweep
12-05 - Discuss Other Exertoir finish Elemnts
12-06 - Facais - Sofit - Gutter (Essentail )
12-07 - Advanced Roof - Third floor
12-08 - Continue Roof - Roof Floor - Roof Slop
13-01 - Model in place from Zero to hero
13-02 - Model in place in villa model
13-03 - Revit Material in advance
14-01 - Choose of Family template & Start Table Family
14-02 - Sweep of Table
14-03 - Leg of Table
14-04 - Material of Table
14-05 - Load to project and Test Family
14-06 - Overright type & ovrright parameters
14-07 - Visability with paramters ( circle - Rec Leg )
14-08 - Nested family - Array - Formula
14-09 - Types Of family
14-10 - Types Of Nested Family
14-11 - Question ( Finding Needed Family )
14-12 - Door Family Over view
14-13 - Door Family Part 1
14-14 - Door Family Part 2
14-15 - Door Family in Real Projects
14-16 - General Questions
15-01 - Door Family - Elevation
15-02 - Load Door Accessory
15-03 - Family Type - Advanced
15-05 - ELEVATOR SUBMIT Part 2
15-06 - Tricky of Elevator Submit
15-07 - Elevator Submit Family ( MIP to Family )
15-08 - Arch Window Family Complete
15-09 - Balacony Support Family
15-10 - Assignments
15-11 - Intro Schedules
15-12 - Field _ Structure Column
15-13 - QS of Structure Column
15-14 - QS of Structure Column for Other Levels
15-15 - QS of Structure Floor (Floors - Beams)
16-01 - Intro to Schedules
16-02 - Fields
16-03 - Filters - Sorting - Geouping
16-04 - Formattion
16-05 - Appearance
16-06 - Conditional Format - Field Format
16-07 - Export To Excel
16-08 - QS Structure Model - Validiation of STR model for QS
17-01 - STR COL
17-02 - STR WALL
17-03 - FLOOR
17-05 - STR BEAMS
17-06 - STRAIRS
17-07 - RAMPS
17-08 - PC
17-09 - Templates of Schedule View
17-10 - Collect in sheets
18-01 - Notes About QS in BIM Construction market
18-02 - Types of QS in BIM Projects
18-03 - QS of Windows
18-04 - QS of Doors
18-05 - QS WALL m3
18-06 - QS Wall M2
18-07 - QS Flooring & Ceramic
18-08 - QS Sand For Flooring
18-09 - QS Concerete for Flooring
18-10 - QS Wazarat
18-11 - Qs Caranish
18-12 - Dynamo Script to drive to Caranish
18-13 - QS Finishing Interior
18-14 - QS Finishing for Selected Elevations
18-15 - QS Marabel for Stairs
18-16 - QS Roofs
18-17 - QS Ceiling
19-01 - Bind Link and get link out
19-02 - Introduction annotation and temp
19-03 - Prepar Revit
19-04 - Use Align Dimenstion
19-05 - Tricky use of Alight Dimenstion
19-06 - Instance propeties of DIM
19-07 - Type properties of DIM — Graphics
19-08 - Type properties of DIM — Text
19-09 - Type property of DIM units & Other properties
19-10 - tricky in Dimenstion 2
19-11 - Creating types & merge
19-12 - Linear Dimenstion
19-13 - Anglear Dimenstion
19-14 - Radial Dimenstion
19-15 - Arch Dimenstion
19-16 - Spot Elevation
19-17 - Spot Coordinate
19-18 - spot slop
19-19 - Line Style
19-20 - Filled region - Mask region
19-21 - Detailed Component
19-22 - Legend Component
20-01 - Groups (Detailed- Model)
20-02 - Insulation
20-03 - Appilaction Drawing Details 1
20-04 - Appilaction Drawing Details 2
20-05 - Text in Revit.
20-06 - Symbols
20-07 - Walk Through - Camera.
20-08 - Render
20-09 - Section - Call Out
20-10 - Crop & Crop Annotation
20-11 - Elevations
20-12 - View Range
20-13 - Divid View Across Sheets
21-01 - Revit Parameters part 1
21-02 - Revit Parameters part 2
21-03 - Tips and Tricks Revit Parameters
21-04 - Custom Sheets Family
21-05 - Splash Screen
21-06 - Tag by Category
21-07 - Tag all
21-08 - material tag
21-09 - Room Tag
21-10 - Keynote
21-11 - 216- Custom Keynotes
21-12 - Custom Tag Family Over view
22-01 - Navisworks Over View
22-02 - Get start
22-03 - Navisworks Files
22-04 - Navigation Tools
22-05 - 222- Select & Search
22-06 - Visibility & Display
22-07 - Viewpoint
22-08 - Review
22-09 - Render
23-01 - Coordataion stages
23-02 - Clash matrix
23-03 - Create Clash in Navisworks
23-04 - Start Cash Case
23-05 - 4D and 5D
24-01 - Introduction 2D family
24-02 - reate Door Tag
24-03 - Create Window Ta
24-04 - reate Room Tag
24-05 - Create Wall Tag
24-06 - Create Railling Tag
24-07 - Create Ar-Floor
24-08 - Create Ceiling Tag
24-09 - Create Roof Tag
24-10 - Create Structure Column Tag
24-11 - Create Structure Foundation Tag
24-12 - Create StructureFrame Tag
24-13 - Create StructureWall Tag
24-14 - Create StructureWall Tag
24-15 - Custom grid symbol
24-16 - Custom Level symbol
24-17 - Smart Level symbol
25-01 - Section Head - Section Tail
25-02 - Elevation
25-03 - Room Schedule Advabced
25-04 - Room Furniture Schedule
25-05 - Curtain Schedule And Numbering
25-06 - Mulion Schedule
25-07 - View Template
25-08 - Fillter
25-09 - Filter With Sections
25-10 - Project Browser - Views
25-11 - Project Browser - Schudels
25-12 - Project Browser - Sheets
25-13 - 261- Revision Cloud
26-01 - Historical Intro Reinforcement
26-02 - Our steps in rein
26-03 - softwear we will use
26-04 - RFT VILLA Over view
26-05 - Edit Template
26-06 - Footing Reinforcement 1
26-07 - Footing Reinforcement 2
26-08 - Structure Column
26-09 - Beam Reinforcement 1
26-10 - TIPS And Tricks Navite
26-11 - Beam Reinforcement 2span 2
26-12 - Beam Reinforcement arch - opening
26-13 - Pile Caps
26-14 - Slab Opeining
26-15 - Wall
26-16 - Wall opeining and Corners
26-17 - Floor
26-18 - Floor Varying
26-19 - Stair
27-01 - Qustion in RFT
27-02 - Insert P6 to Navisworks
28-01 - Print pdf
28-02 - Export pdf
28-03 - Export dwg
28-04 - Export IFC
29-01 - Prepare SD Revit Temp
29-02 - Create Title Block from CAD
29-03 - 289-COlumn and Axis
29-04 - Foundation
29-05 - Column Schudule
29-06 - Floor CD
29-07 - Collect in Sheets
30-01 - 294-Block Work Plan
30-02 - 295-Flooring Plans
30-03 - 296-Parts
30-04 - 297-Stairs Shopdrawing
30-05 - 298- Elevations
30-06 - 299- Tips and Trick in Shopdrawing
30-07 - 300-browser Organisation
31-01 - Over View - temp
31-02 - Foundation
31-03 - Column
31-04 - Reinforcement of Column in Villa Model
31-05 - Reinforcement Footing in Villa Model
31-06 - Reinforcement Beam in Villa Model
31-07 - Cont Beam Reinforcement in Villa Model
31-08 - opeining in beam
31-09 - arch Beam Reinforcement in Villa Model
31-10 - Elevator Footing Reinforcement
31-11 - Set up Cads rebar
32-01 - RFT 1
32-02 - RFT 2
32-03 - RFT 3
32-04 - RFT 4
32-05 - RFT 5
33-01 - Introduction BIM Automation
33-02 - Interface Of Dynamo
33-03 - Website -DynamoBIM
33-04 - Create Line by dynamo
33-05 - Place Beam on Line
33-06 - Convert Unit
33-07 - Set-Get Para
33-08 - Get ID - Create Project Parameter
33-09 - Calculate Volume - Ramp Volume
33-10 - Organise dynamo Script -Grouping
33-11 - Nonica Tab - Custom Revit Buttons
33-12 - Chat GPT with Dynamo
33-13 - BARD with Dynamo
33-14 - What Is Next
33-15 - Reinforecemnt Question
33-16 - material Question
33-17 - Write your CV and hunt a BIM job