
دبلومة التصميم الانشائي-الكود المصري

دبلومة التصميم الانشائي-الكود المصري
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371 Lessons in 48 Chapters
86 Hours & 31 Minutes
983 Students in 26 Countries
Kayan Academy Certificate
FREE Autodesk Certificate
Ragab Elmasry Senior Structural Design Engineer

Overall Structural Design Diploma According Egyptian Code

A Structural Design Diploma course typically focuses on providing in-depth knowledge and practical skills specifically geared towards designing safe and efficient structures in the field of civil engineering.
  • Basic Structural Concepts.
  • Materials and Construction Knowledge.
  • Basic Engineering Drawings Interpretation

  • Civil Engineers and Graduates.
  • Architects and Construction Professionals
  • Professionals in Related Fields
  • Certificate from KAYAN Academy
  • Certificate from Autodesk
  • 40% Assignments
  • 60% To pass the course and receive both Autodesk certificate & KAYAN Academy certificate you should:
    • Attending at least 80% of Course Hours.
    • Score more than 70% as a Total Score.


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Course Curriculum
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01-01 - Introduction of Reinforced Concrete Design - Building Codes
01-02 - Introduction of Reinforced Concrete Design - Matrial
01-03 - Introduction of Reinforced Concrete Design - Matrial
01-04 - Introduction of Reinforced Concrete Design - Matrial
01-05 - Introduction of Reinforced Concrete Design - Matrial
01-06 - Introduction of Reinforced Concrete Design - Type of loads
01-07 - Introduction of Reinforced Concrete Design - Type of loads
01-08 - Introduction of Reinforced Concrete Design - Design methods
01-09 - Introduction of Reinforced Concrete Design - Design methods
01-10 - Introduction of Reinforced Concrete Design - Reduction moment of inertia
02-01 - Design of sections
02-02 - Design of sections - Failure of sections
02-03 - Design of sections - Design of Singly reinforced sectio
02-04 - Design of sections - Design of Singly reinforced section
02-05 - Design of sections - Design of Singly reinforced section
02-06 - Design of sections - Design of Singly reinforced section
02-07 - Design of sections - Design of Doubly reinforced section
03-01 - Design of Short Columns - Classification of columns
03-02 - Design of Short Columns - Classification of columns
03-03 - Design of Short Columns - Type of loads on columns
03-04 - Design of Short Columns - Requirements of vertical R F T
03-05 - Design of Short Columns - Requirements of Transfer R F T
03-06 - Design of Short Columns - Design of Short columns Subject to Axial loads only
03-07 - Design of Short Columns - Axial Loads plus Uniaxial Moment
03-08 - Design of Short Columns - Axial Loads plus Uniaxial Moment
03-09 - Design of Short Columns - Axial Loads plus Uniaxial Moment
04-01 - Design of Long Columns - Introduction of Long Columns
04-02 - Design of Long Columns - Braced & Unbraced Columns
04-03 - Design of Long Columns - Braced & Unbraced Columns
04-04 - Design of Long Columns - Short Or Long Column
04-05 - Design of Long Columns - Calculate Madd
04-06 - Design of Long Columns - Example
05-01 - Design of Solid slabs - Introduction of Solid slabs
05-02 - Design of Solid slabs - mechanism of load transfer
05-03 - Design of Solid slabs - 3- Type Of Solid slabs
05-04 - Design of Solid slabs - 4- Calculate Ts of slabs
05-05 - Design of Solid slabs - 5- Calculate Loads of slabs
05-06 - Design of Solid slabs - 6- Strips & Empirical method & 3 Moment
05-07 - Design of Solid slabs - 3 Moment Equation
05-08 - Design of Solid slabs - Reinforcement Of Solid Slab
05-09 - esign of Solid slabs - Reinforcement Of Solid Slabs
05-10 - Design of Solid slabs - Example
05-11 - Design of Hollow Block Slabs - Advantage Of Hollow Block Slabs
06-01 - Design of Hollow Block Slabs - mechanism of load transfer
06-02 - Design of Hollow Block Slabs - Type Of H B Slabs
06-03 - Design of Hollow Block Slabs - Design Of H B Slabs
06-04 - Design of Hollow Block Slabs - R F T Of H B Slabs
06-05 - Design of Hollow Block Slabs - R F T Of H B Slabs
06-06 - Design of Hollow Block Slabs - Example
07-01 - Design of Flat Slabs - mechanism of load transfer
07-02 - Design of Flat Slabs - Elastic support & Rigid support
07-03 - Design of Flat Slabs - Elastic support & Rigid support
07-04 - Design of Flat Slabs - Minimum Thickness of Flat Slab
07-05 - Design of Flat Slabs - Minimum Thickness of Flat Slab
07-06 -
07-07 - Design of Flat Slabs
07-08 - Design of Flat Slabs - R F T Details
07-09 - Design of Flat Slabs - Punching Shear
07-10 - Design of Flat Slabs - Example of flat slab
08-01 - Introduction Of Beam - Load Distribution - Type Of Beams
08-02 - Introduction Of Beam - Load Distribution - Type Of Beams
08-03 - Introduction Of Beam - Load Distribution - Type Of Beams
08-04 - Introduction Of Beam - Load Distribution - Beams Position
08-05 - Introduction Of Beam - Load Distribution - Minimum Depth of
08-06 - Introduction Of Beam - Load Distribution - Calculate Loads On Beams
08-07 - Introduction Of Beam - Load Distribution - Load Distribution
09-01 - Design of Beams Due To Flexure - How To Calculate B M D
09-02 - Design of Beams Due To Flexure - How To Calculate B M D
09-03 - Design of Beams Due To Flexure - Design Of Beams
09-04 - Design of Beams Due To Flexure - R F T Required
09-05 - Design of Beams Due To Flexure - Type Of Sections
10-01 - Design of Beams Due To Shear - Introduction Of Shear
10-02 - Design of Beams Due To Shear - How Ot Resist Shear Force
10-03 - Design of Beams Due To Shear - Draw S F D
10-04 - Design of Beams Due To Shear - Draw S F D
10-05 - Design of Beams Due To Shear - Critical Section Of Shear
10-06 - Design of Beams Due To Shear
10-07 - Design of Beams Due To Shear - Example Of Design Beam
11-01 - Design of Beams Due To Torsion - Introduction To Torsional Moment
11-02 - Design of Beams Due To Torsion - Design Of Torsional Moment
11-03 - Design of Beams Due To Torsion - Example Of Torsional Momen
12-01 - Design of Stairs - Introduction Of Stairs
12-02 - Design of Stairs - Starter Beam
12-03 - Design of Stairs - Spring Slabs
12-04 - Design of Stairs - Spring Stairs
12-05 - Design of Stairs - Stairs Details
12-06 - Design of Stairs - Statical Systems Of Stairs
12-07 - Design of Stairs - Statical Systems Of Stairs
12-08 - Design of Stairs - Statical Systems Of Stairs
12-09 - Design of Stairs - Statical Systems Of Stairs
12-10 - Design of Stairs - Statical Systems Of Stairs
12-11 - Design of Stairs - Steps Of Design Stairs
12-12 - Design of Stairs - Example Of Design Stairs
13-01 - Introduction of Design Foundations - Advantage of Foundations
13-02 - Introduction of Design Foundations - Type Of Footings
13-03 - Introduction of Design Foundations - Type Of Shallow
13-04 - Introduction of Design Foundations - Chose The Foundations
13-05 - Introduction of Design Foundations - Concept of Design
14-01 - Design Of Isolated Footing - Steps of Design Isolated Footings
14-02 - Design Of Isolated Footing - Concrete Dim Of Isolated Footings
14-03 - Design Of Isolated Footing - Calculate Stresses
14-04 - Design Of Isolated Footing - Calculate Moment
14-05 - Design Of Isolated Footing - Check Shear
14-06 - Design Of Isolated Footing - Check Punching
14-07 - Design Of Isolated Footing - Calculate R F T
14-08 - Design Of Isolated Footing - Example of Isolated Footing
15-01 - Design Of Footing Subject to (M,P) - Steps of Design Footings Subject to M,P
15-02 - Design Of Footing Subject to (M,P) - Concrete Dim & Check Stresse
15-03 - Design Of Footing Subject to (M,P) - One & Two Way Shear & Design
15-04 - Design Of Footing Subject to (M,P) - Example of Footing M,P
16-01 - Design Of Strip footing
16-02 - Design Of Strip footing - Example of strip footing
17-01 - Design Of Combined Footing - Concept Of Design Combined Footings
17-02 - Design Of Combined Footing - Con Dim Of Combined Footings
17-03 - Design Of Combined Footing - Calculate Stresses
17-04 - Design Of Combined Footing - Straining Actions
17-05 - Design Of Combined Footing - Design Of Combined Footing
17-06 - Design Of Combined Footing - Example of combined footing
17-07 - Design Of Combined Footing - Example of combined footing
18-01 - Design Of Strap beam - Concept Of Strap beams
18-02 - Design Of Strap beam - Design of Strap beam
18-03 - Design Of Strap beam - Design of Strap beam
18-04 - Design Of Strap beam - Design of Strap beam
18-05 - Design Of Strap beam - Example of Strap beam
18-06 - Design Of Strap beam - Example of Strap beam
18-07 - Design Of Combined Footing Case 2
19-01 - Lecture 19-1 Manual Project - Design Of Slab
19-02 - Manual Project - Design Of Stairs
19-03 - Manual Project - Design Of Beams
19-04 - Lecture 19-4 Manual Project - Design Of Columns
19-05 - Manual Project - Design Of Footing
21-01 - Statical System - Arc & Str Drawings
21-02 - Statical System - Steps of Creat Statical System
21-03 - Statical System - Reading Arc Drawings
21-04 - Statical System - Reading Arc Drawings
21-05 - Statical System - Columns Position
21-06 - Statical System - Planted Columns & Rotated Columns
21-07 - Statical System - Type Of Slabs
21-08 - Statical System - How To Chose The Type of Slab
21-09 - Statical System - Beams Position
22-01 - Reading Arch. Drawings for Villa Project
22-02 - Reading Arch. Drawings for Villa Project
22-03 - Reading Arch. Drawings for Villa Project
22-04 - Reading Arch. Drawings for Villa Project
23-01 - Columns Position
23-02 - Columns Position
23-03 - Columns Position
23-04 - Columns Position
24-01 - Statical System of Villa
24-02 - Statical System of Villa
24-03 - Statical System of Villa
24-04 - Statical System of Villa
24-05 - Statical System of Villa
24-06 - Statical System of Villa
24-07 - Statical System of Villa
24-08 - Statical System of Villa
24-09 - Statical System of Villa
24-10 - Statical System of Villa
24-11 - Statical System of Villa
25-01 - Creat Dxf To Export To Etab
25-02 - Creat Dxf To Export To Etab
25-03 - Creat Dxf To Export To Etab
25-04 - Creat Dxf To Export To Etab
25-05 - Creat Dxf To Export To Etab
26-01 - Modeling Villa On Etab - Steps of Modeling
26-02 - Modeling Villa On Etab - Template model for Villas
26-03 - Modeling Villa On Etab - Define Units and Material
26-04 - Modeling Villa On Etab - Define Sections
26-05 - Modeling Villa On Etab - Define Sections
26-06 - Modeling Villa On Etab - Modeling Ground Floor
26-07 - Modeling Villa On Etab - Modeling Ground Floor
26-08 - Modeling Villa On Etab - Modeling Typical & Meshing
27-01 - Define Loads - Introduction
27-02 - Define Loads - Apply Dead Loads
27-03 - Define Loads - Apply Dead Loads
27-04 - Define Loads - Apply Live Loads
27-05 - Define Loads - Apply Wall Loads For beams & Loads Combinations
27-06 - Design Of Columns - Introduction Of Design Columns
27-07 - Design Of Columns
27-08 - Design Of Columns - Check Buckling
27-09 - Design Of Columns
28-01 - Finishing Columns Drawing - Col & Axies Drawings
28-02 - Finishing Columns Drawing - Col & Axies Drawings
28-03 - Finishing Columns Drawing - Cutting Of Bars
28-04 - Finishing Columns Drawing - Stirrups
28-05 - Design Of Slabs - Introduction Of Design Slabs On Safe
28-06 - Design Of Slabs - Define Matrial
28-07 - Design Of Slabs - Define Sections
28-08 - Design Of Slabs - Modeling Of Slab
28-09 - Design Of Slabs - Exporting From Etab To Safe
28-10 - Design Of Slabs - Define Loads On Slabs
28-11 - Design Of Slabs - Concept of Deflection
28-12 - Design Of Slabs - Concept of Deflection
28-13 - Design Of Slabs - Deflection Cases
29-01 - Design Of Slabs - Check Deflection And Punching
29-02 - Design Of Slabs - Shear R F T For Punching
29-03 - Design Of Slabs - Design Of Solid Slab
29-04 - Design Of Slabs - Design Of Solid Slab
29-05 - Design Of Slabs - Design Of Flat Slab
29-06 - Design Of Slabs - Design Of Hollow Block Slab
29-07 - Design Of Slabs - Design Of Hollow Block Slab
29-08 -
30-01 - Design Of Beams - Display Moment & Release
30-02 - Design Of Beams - Method Of R F T
30-03 - Design Of Beams - Design Of Beams
30-04 - Design Of Beams - How To Modeling Beams
30-05 - Design Of Beams - Design Of Beams Due To Flexture
30-06 - Design Of Beams - Design Of Beams Due To Shear
30-07 - Design Of Beams - Design Of Hidden Beams
30-08 - Design Of Beams - How To Modeling Bent Bars
30-09 - Design Of Beams - Different Topics
31-01 - Design Of Stairs In Project
31-02 - Design Of Stairs In Project
31-03 - Design Of Stairs In Project
31-04 - Design Of Stairs In Project
31-05 - Finishing Floors Drawing
31-06 - Finishing Floors Drawing
32-01 - Design Of Footing - Introduction Of Foundations
32-02 - Design Of Footing - Bearing Capacity
32-03 - Design Of Footing
32-04 - Design Of Footing
32-05 - Design Of Footin
32-06 - Design Of Footing - Design Of Combined Footing
32-07 - Design Of Footing - Design Of Strap beam
32-08 - Design Of Footing - Design Of Strap beam
33-01 - Finishing Footing Drawings
33-02 - Finishing Footing Drawings - Ground beams
33-03 - Finishing Footing Drawings - Ground beams
33-04 - Finishing Footing Drawings - Ground beams
33-05 - Finishing Footing Drawings - Ground beams
33-06 - Calculation Sheet
33-07 - Lateral Load Resisting Systems
33-08 - Lateral Load Resisting Systems
33-09 - Lateral Load Resisting Systems
33-10 - Lecture 43-4 Lateral Load Resisting Systems
33-11 - Lateral Load Resisting System
33-12 - Lateral Load Resisting Systems
34-01 - Lateral Load Resisting Systems
34-02 - Lateral Load Resisting Systems
34-03 - Lateral Load Resisting Systems
34-04 - Lateral Load Resisting Systems
34-05 - Lateral Load Resisting Systems
34-06 - Lateral Load Resisting Systems
34-07 - Lateral Load Resisting Systems
34-08 - Lateral Load Resisting Systems
35-01 - Ductility of R.C structurem
35-02 - Ductility of R.C structurem
35-03 - Ductility of R.C structurem
35-04 - Seismic Design methods
35-05 - Seismic Design methods
35-06 - Seismic Design methods
35-07 - Seismic Design methods
35-08 - Seismic Design methods
36-01 - Vertical and Horizontal Structural Irregularities
36-02 - Vertical and Horizontal Structural Irregularities
37-01 - Equivalent static load
37-02 - Equivalent static load
37-03 - Equivalent static load - Time Period
37-04 - Equivalent static load - Calculate Base Shear
37-05 - Equivalent static load - Calculate Base Shear
37-06 - Equivalent static load - Distribution of lateral force on each floor
37-07 - Equivalent static load - Distribution of lateral force on each Shear wall
37-08 - Equivalent static load - Distribution of lateral force on each Shear wall
37-09 - Equivalent static load - Distribution of lateral force on each Shear wall
37-10 - Equivalent static load - Example
37-11 - Equivalent static load - Example
37-12 - Equivalent static load - Example
37-13 - Equivalent static load - Static Load Combinations
38-01 - Response spectrum Dynamic analysis
38-02 - Response spectrum Dynamic analysis
38-03 - Dynamic analysis Loads Combinations
38-04 - Wind Loads Theory
38-05 - Wind Loads Calculate
38-06 - Wind Loads - Wind Loads Calculate
38-07 - Wind Loads - Wind Loads Calculate
38-08 - Wind Loads Combinations
39-01 - Reading Arch. Drawings for Tower Project
39-02 - Reading Arch. Drawings for Tower Project
39-03 - Reading Arch. Drawings for Tower Project
39-04 - Reading Arch. Drawings for Tower Project
39-05 - Reading Arch. Drawings for Tower Project
39-06 - Statical System of Towe
39-07 - Statical System of Tower
39-08 - Statical System of Tower
39-09 - Statical System of Tower
39-10 - Statical System of Tower
39-11 - Statical System of Tower
39-12 - Statical System of Tower
40-01 - Creat Dxf To Export To Etab
40-02 - Creat Dxf To Export To Etab
40-03 - Modeling Tower On Etab - New Model & Define Units
40-04 - Modeling Tower On Etab - Define Material & Sections
40-05 - Modeling Tower On Etab - shell & plate & membrane
40-06 - Modeling Tower On Etab - shell & plate & membrane
40-07 - Modeling Tower On Etab - shell & plate & membrane
40-08 - Modeling Tower On Etab - Modeling Bassment
40-09 - Modeling Tower On Etab - Modeling Ground & Typical
40-10 - Modeling Tower On Etab - Meshes
40-11 - Lecture 54-9 Modeling Tower On Etab - Diaphragm
40-12 - Modeling Tower On Etab - Pier Label & Spandrel
41-01 - Define Vertical Loads & Design Of INITIAL Columns
41-02 - Define Vertical Loads & Design Of INITIAL Columns
41-03 - Define Vertical Loads & Design Of INITIAL Columns
41-04 - Define Vertical Loads & Design Of INITIAL Columns
41-05 - Define Vertical Loads & Design Of INITIAL Columns
41-06 - Define Seismic Loads (Static) - Introduction Of Seismic Loads
41-07 - Define Seismic Loads (Static) - Mass Source
41-08 - Define Seismic Loads (Static) - Calculate Static Loads
41-09 - Define Seismic Loads (Static) - Check Time Period
41-10 - Define Seismic Loads (Static) - Static Loads Combinations
42-01 - Define Wind Loads
42-02 - Define Wind Loads - Wind Loads Combinations
42-03 - Building Checks - Model Checks
42-04 - Building Checks - Check C.M & C.R
42-05 - Building Checks - Check Soft Story
42-06 - Building Checks - Check Heavy Story
42-07 - Building Checks - Check P Delta
42-08 - Building Checks - Check P Delta
42-09 - Building Checks - Check Drift
42-10 - Building Checks - Check Drift
42-11 - Building Checks - Check Drift
43-01 - Dynamic Analysis - Intro To Dynamic Analysis
43-02 - Dynamic Analysis - Intro To Dynamic Analysis
43-03 - Dynamic Analysis - R S Function & Modes
43-04 - Dynamic Analysis - Define Dynamic Loads
43-05 - Dynamic Analysis - Mass Ratio & Scale Factor
43-06 - Dynamic Analysis - Dynamic Load Combinations
43-07 - Dynamic Analysis - Orthogonal Combinations
43-08 - Dynamic Analysis - Vertical Component
43-09 - Dynamic Analysis - Check Drift
44-01 - Design Of shear walls and Columns
44-02 - Design Of shear walls and Columns - Design Of Columns
44-03 - Design Of shear walls and Columns - Design Of Columns
44-04 - Design Of shear walls and Columns - Design Of Columns
44-05 - Design Of shear walls and Columns - Design Of Columns
44-06 - Design Of shear walls and Columns - Buckling Of Coulmns
44-07 - Design Of shear walls and Columns - Design Of Shear & Cut Of Bars
44-08 - Design Of shear walls and Columns - Solving Failure Columns In Last Floor
44-09 - Design Of shear walls and Columns - Design Of Shear Walls
44-10 - Design Of shear walls and Columns - Design Of Shear Walls
45-01 - Design Of shear walls and Columns - Design Of Shear Walls
45-02 - Design Of shear walls and Columns - Check Cracks On Shear Walls
45-03 - Design Of shear walls and Columns - Design Of Shear Walls Due To Shear
45-04 - Design Of shear walls and Columns - Buckling In Walls
45-05 - Design Of shear walls and Columns - Shear walls R F T Requirments
45-06 - Shear walls With Sp Col From Different Project
45-07 - Shear walls With Sp Col From Different Project
45-08 - Design Of shear walls and Columns - Finishing Columns Drawing
45-09 - Design Of shear walls and Columns - Finishing Columns Drawing
46-01 - Design Of Slabs
46-02 - Design Of Slabs
46-03 - Design Of Slabs
46-04 - Design Of Slabs
46-05 - Manual Design Of Raft
46-06 - Manual Design Of Raft
46-07 - Manual Design Of Raft
46-08 - Manual Design Of Raft
46-09 - Manual Design Of Raft
46-10 - Manual Design Of Raft
47-01 - Design Of Raft With Safe - Statical System Of Raft
47-02 - Design Of Raft With Safe - Statical System Of Raft
47-03 - Design Of Raft With Safe - Statical System Of Raft
47-04 - Design Of Raft With Safe - DXF Of Raft
47-05 - Design Of Raft With Safe - Modeling Of Raft
47-06 - Design Of Raft With Safe - Concrete Dim & Check Punching
47-07 - Design Of Raft With Safe - Working Load Combinations
47-08 - Design Of Raft With Safe - Check Stress
47-09 - Design Of Raft With Safe - Check Stress Manual
47-10 - Check settlement & Design Of Raft
48-01 - Finishing Drawings & Calculation Sheets (LAST LECTURE)