
دبلومة التصميم الانشائي-الكود الامريكي

دبلومة التصميم الانشائي-الكود الامريكي
200 USD 110 USD
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124 Lessons in 5 Chapters
217 Hours & 30 Minutes
119 Students in 10 Countries
Ragab Elmasry Senior Structural Design Engineer

Overall Structural Design Diploma According ACI 318-19 & SBC 1101

A Structural Design Diploma course typically focuses on providing in-depth knowledge and practical skills specifically geared towards designing safe and efficient structures in the field of civil engineering.
  • Basic Structural Concepts.
  • Materials and Construction Knowledge.
  • Basic Engineering Drawings Interpretation

  • Civil Engineers and Graduates.
  • Architects and Construction Professionals
  • Professionals in Related Fields
  • Certificate from KAYAN Academy
  • Certificate from Autodesk
  • 40% Assignments
  • 60% To pass the course and receive both Autodesk certificate & KAYAN Academy certificate you should:
    • Attending at least 80% of Course Hours.
    • Score more than 70% as a Total Score.


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Course Curriculum
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01-01 - Introduction of Reinforced Concrete Design
01-02 - Design of sections
01-03 - Design of Short Columns
01-04 - Design of Long Columns
01-05 - Design of Solid Slabs
01-06 - Design of Hollow Block Slabs
01-07 - Design of Flat Slabs
01-08 - Introduction Of Beam - Load Distribution
01-09 - Design of Beams Due To Flexure
01-10 - Design of Beams Due To Shear
01-11 - Design of Beams Due To Torsion
01-12 - Design of Special Type of Beams
01-13 - Design of Stairs
01-14 - Development Length
01-15 - Serviceability Limit States
01-16 - Cut off Bars
01-17 - Introduction of Design Foundations
01-18 - Design Of Isolated Footing
01-19 - Design Of Isolated Footing
01-20 - Design Of Strip footing
01-21 - Design Of Combined Footing
01-22 - Design Of Footing Subject to (M,P)
01-23 - Design Of Strap beam
01-24 - Design of Raft
01-25 - Manual Project
01-26 - Different Between ACI and SBC Codes
02-01 - Introduction of Reinforced Concrete Design
02-02 - AutoCad Course & advanced topics
02-03 - Excel Course & advanced topics
02-04 - Safe Course & advanced topics
02-05 - Etab Course & advanced topics
02-06 - Sap 2000 Course & advanced topics
02-07 - Csi Column Course
02-08 - Sp Column Course
02-09 - Statical System
02-10 - Discussion of the structural system of different projects
02-11 - Reading Arch. Drawings for Villa Project
02-12 - Columns Position
02-13 - Statical System of Villa
02-14 - Creat Dxf To Export To Etab
02-15 - Modeling Villa On Etab
02-16 - Define Vertical and Lateral Loads
02-17 - Design Of Columns
02-18 - Finishing Columns Drawing
02-19 - Design Of Slabs & Check Punching and Deflection
02-20 - Design Of Beams
02-21 - Design Of Transfer Beams
02-22 - Design Of stairs
02-23 - Finishing Floors Drawing
02-24 - Design Of Footing
02-25 - Finishing Footing Drawing
02-26 - Calculation Sheet
02-27 - Design Of Mosque
03-01 - Introduction of Reinforced Concrete Design
03-02 - Introduction of ( earthquake engineering )
03-03 - Seismic Design Theory
03-04 - Ductility of R.C structurem
03-05 - Moment Resisting Frames
03-06 - Beam column Joints
03-07 - Shear walls
03-08 - Coupled shear walls & Coupling beams
03-09 - Special Lateral Load Resisting Systems For Buildings
03-10 - Seismic Design methods
03-11 - Vertical and Horizontal Structural Irregularities
03-12 - UBC 97-Equivalent Static Load
03-13 - Asce 7-16 -Equivalent Static Load
03-14 - R.S Dynamic analysis
03-15 - Wind loads UBC 97
03-16 - Wind loads Asce 7-16
03-17 - Statical System of Tower
03-18 - Reading Arch. Drawings for Tower Project
03-19 - Creat Dxf To Export To Etab
03-20 - Modeling Tower On Etab & Define Vertical Loads
03-21 - Define Seismic Loads (Static)
03-22 - Define Wind Loads
03-23 - Seismic Checks
03-24 - Dynamic analysis
03-25 - Design Of shear walls and Columns
03-26 - Design Of Deep Foundations
03-27 - Design Of Slabs
03-28 - Shoring Systems
03-29 - Manual Design Of Retaining Walls
03-30 - Design Of Retaining Walls
03-31 - Finishing Drawings
03-32 - Temprature Effect
03-33 - Advanced topics
03-34 - Moment Resisting Frames & Dual System Project
03-35 - Special Buildings
03-36 - Hotel Project
04-01 - Inoroduction About Water Structures
04-02 - Revision About 3 moment equation – Moment Distrbution
04-03 - Manual Design of Elevated Tank
04-04 - Manual Design of Rested Tank
04-05 - Manual Design of Underground Tanks
04-06 - Manual Design of Circular Tank
04-07 - How To Modeling Different Types Of Tanks on Sap 2000
04-08 - Design Of Walls and Floors and Columns
04-09 - Design Of Raft and Raft on Piles
04-10 - How To Applying Lateral Loads on Tanks in SAP2000
04-11 - Finishing Drawings
05-01 - Girder
05-02 - Cantilever frame
05-03 - Saw tooth Slabs
05-04 - Frames
05-05 - Frames
05-06 - Arch girder
05-07 - Arch girder
05-08 - Arch slabs
05-09 - Truss- Vierendeel- Radial frames
05-10 - Surfaces Of Revolution
05-11 - Type of supports
05-12 - Joints
05-13 - Statical system of Project 1
05-14 - Statical system of Project 1
05-15 - Manual design of project
05-16 - Design with sap 2000
05-17 - Design with sap 2000
05-18 - Finishing Drawing
05-19 - Statical system of Project 2
05-20 - Statical system Project 2
05-21 - Creat Dxf Of project
05-22 - Modeling on etab
05-23 - Design of sections
05-24 - Course -24- Finishing Drawing