
BIM Management diploma Group 43

BIM Management diploma Group 43
1,000 USD 600 USD
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214 Lessons in 14 Chapters
29 Hours & 52 Minutes
207 Students in 9 Countries
Selim Badwy BIM Manager

  • المحتوي التفصيلي لدوره البيم ( حضور في القاهره - مدينه نصر / تفاعلي علي زوم )
  • بعد اصدار بيان قوات المسلحه بأنها سوف لا تعتمد اي مخططات غير بصيغه الريفيت 
  • و بما ان معظم مشاريع الان تحت سيطره الهيئه الهندسيه للقوات المسلحه 
  • فأصبح لا مجال للعمل الا بتعلم البيم و اتقان اهم ادواته وهو الريفيت 
  • البرامج التي نتعامل معها في الكورس 
  • - يتم العمل علي برامج 
  • 1- الاتوكاد 
  • 2-الريفيت المعماري 
  • 3-الريفيت الانشائي 
  • 4-النافيس ورك
  • 5-البريمافيرا
  • 6-الدينامو 
  • الكورس عباره عن شرح تطبقي علي مشروع من اول محاضره 
  • يحصل المتدريب علي 4 شهادات من شركه اتوديسك وشهاده من شركه كيان للاستشارات الهندسيه 
  • لمن هذا الكورس 
  • 1- مهندسي المكتب الفني الانشائين والمعماريين 
  • 2- حديثي التخرج 
  • 3- مهندسي الموقع ليكون الخطوه القادمه هي العمل بمظومه تعمل بالبيم 
  • يؤهلك الكورس العمل كــــ 
  • 1-مهندس مكتب فني بيم 
  • 2-بيم كوردناتور 
  • 3-مهندس تخطيط 
  • 4- المكاتب الاستشارية التي تعمل بالبيم 
  • مدير نمذجه البيم بعد عدد من سنوات الخبره 
  • عدد ساعات الكورس : 100 ساعه مقمسه علي 25 محاضره 
  • يتم تسليم التاسك المطلوب منك قبل بدايه المحاضره والمناقشه مع المحاضر في الوقت المتاح للاسئله 
  • لمزيد من التفاصيل يرجي التواصل معنا بالظبط علي معرفه المزيد 
Course Curriculum
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01-01 - Diploma Intro
01-02 - BIM Introduction 1
01-03 - BIM Introduction 2
01-04 - BIM Introduction Q and A
01-05 - Diploma Content
01-06 - Hardware Requirements
01-07 - Software Requirements
02-01 - Revit Interface
02-02 - Use Mouse
02-03 - Create Wall
02-04 - Modeling Destruction
02-05 - Wall Location Line
02-06 - Wall Instance Property
02-07 - Save Project
02-08 - Create Grids
02-09 - Create Levels
02-10 - Draw
02-11 - Modify 1
03-01 - Open Project
03-02 - Create Architecture Floor
03-03 - Instance
03-04 - Tips And Tricks Floor
03-05 - Ceiling
03-06 - Roof By Footprint
03-07 - Roof By Extrusion
03-08 - Overview Task
03-09 - Shapediting
03-10 - Task
04-01 - Revision
04-02 - Task Revision
04-03 - Revit content type family
04-04 - Template in interface
04-05 - Curtain wall
04-06 - What’s curtain
04-07 - Create Curtain wall from ScratchCreate Curtain wall from Scratch
04-08 - Custom Curtain
04-09 - Louver
04-10 - Task
05-01 - Corner mullion
05-02 - Doors in Curtain wall
05-03 - Panel Type
05-04 - Curved Curtain Wall
05-05 - Opening
05-06 - Dormer Opening
05-07 - Sky Light
05-08 - Hide - Isolate Element
05-09 - Task
05-10 - Inclined Wall
05-11 - Q And A
05-12 - Stacked Wall
05-13 - Roof Floor
05-14 - Render By Revit
05-15 - Render by AI
06-01 - Str Wall Vs Ar Wall
06-02 - Str Floor
06-03 - Str Column And Ar Column
06-04 - Material As Instance Parameters
06-05 - Application 1
06-06 - Q And A Analytical Views
06-07 - Structure Framing
06-08 - Join Un Switch
06-09 - Instance Parameters Frame
06-10 - Move With Grids
06-11 - Opening With Beam
06-12 - Beam In Elevation
06-13 - Hollow Block
06-14 - Beam System
06-15 - Task
06-16 - Inclined Column
06-17 - Beam System 2
06-18 - Certification And Holiday
07-01 - Revit Template and Open Project
07-02 - Revision
07-03 - Modeling Of Isolated Foundation
07-04 - Instance Para of Isolated Foundation
07-05 - Wall Foundation - Bearing
07-06 - Wall Foundation -Retaining
07-07 - Tips And Tricks
07-08 - Q And A -1
07-09 - Slab Foundation
07-10 - Pile Cap Method 1
07-11 - Pile Cap Method 2
07-12 - Pile Cap Method 3
07-13 - Pile Behavior as Concrete Element
07-14 - Raft on Pile
07-15 - Secant Pile
07-16 - Submit Of Elevator - Sketch
07-17 - Submit Of Elevator
07-18 - Plain Concrete
07-19 - Drop Panel – Column Head
07-20 - Q And A - 2
07-21 - Attach Top and Bottom With Max Instruction
07-22 - Task Foundation
07-23 - Span Direction In Structure
07-24 - Arch Floor on Arch Beam
07-25 - Q And A -3
07-26 - Partition Wall
08-01 - Intro Standards
08-02 - Intro Egyptian Standards
08-03 - Abbreviation
08-04 - Maturity Level
08-05 - BIM Uses
08-06 - CDE
08-07 - CDE application
08-08 - LOD
08-09 - LOD2
08-10 - BIM form
08-11 - BIM Application
08-12 - BIM Workflow In different Stages
08-13 - BEP
08-14 - BEP Application
08-15 - Task
08-16 - Certification and Holidays
08-17 - BIM Execution Plan - Complete Example
09-01 - Certification Issue
09-02 - Drawing List
09-03 - Architecture Project Overview
09-04 - Structure Project Overview
09-05 - Pluming Project Overview
09-06 - Electrical Project Overview
09-07 - Strat Grids and Level File
09-08 - Prepare Cad File
09-09 - Import Vs Link
09-10 - Insert Cad
09-11 - Grids
09-12 - LEVEL
09-13 - Grids And Level Workflow
09-15 - Create Ar- Levels and Grids
09-16 - Create Str- Levels and Grids
09-17 - BIM Workflow
09-18 - Task
10-01 - Insert Structure Column CAD Link
10-02 - Create Structure Column Types
10-03 - Create Structure Column Types Advanced
10-04 - Modeling of Structure Columns
10-05 - Create Structure Wall Types
10-06 - Q and A
10-07 - Relation Between Isolated Foundation and Structure Col
10-08 - Create Structure Foundation
10-09 - Assign Level of Structure Foundation
10-10 - Ground Beam ( Semels )
10-11 - Modeling of Plain concrete Under Footing
10-12 - Modeling of Plain concrete Under Semels
10-13 - Insert CAD Link (Ground Structure Frames)
10-14 - Modeling of (Ground Structure Frames)
10-15 - Modeling of Ground Floor (Solid – Flat )
10-16 - Duplicate Structure Columns Through Levels
10-17 - Task
11-01 - Tips -Insert First Floor CAD
11-02 - Tips Use CAD File for Pattern (CNC)
11-03 - Temporary Hide or Isolate
11-04 - Tips in Structure Frame First Floor
11-05 - Beam B12 Case
11-06 - Arch Beam
11-07 - Tips in Isert CAD Link in Sections and Elevations
11-08 - Revision Structure Villa
11-09 - Structure Task
12-01 - Architecture Project Intro
12-02 - Prepare CAD File - First Floor
12-03 - Insert CAD - Revit link -Str Model
12-04 - Wall Workflow for LOD 400
12-05 - Wall WorkFlow for LOD 300
12-06 - Create Wall In Villa Model
12-07 - Create Floor In Villa Model
12-08 - Q And A 1
12-09 - Q And A 2
12-10 - Family WorkFlow
12-11 - Place Doors In Model
12-12 - Place Windows In Model
12-13 - Assign Top and Base Ofset
12-14 - Room Essentials
12-15 - Rooms In Model
12-16 - Task
13-01 - Upgrade Revit File
13-02 - Interior Design Overview
13-03 - Revision For Block Work
13-04 - Create Finish Wall
13-05 - Rooms With Finish Wall
13-06 - Layers Function
13-07 - Wazarat Workflow
13-08 - Wazarat By Wall
13-09 - Wazarat By Wall Sweep
13-10 - Modeling Caranish
13-11 - Modeling Ceiling Finish
13-12 - Task
13-13 - Q And A - Wall Components
14-01 - Revision Architecture Modeling
14-02 - Visibility And Graphics - Project
14-03 - Visibility And Graphics - Link
14-04 - Filter
14-05 - Tips In Visibility and Graphics
14-06 - Interior Design - Parts
14-07 - Interior Design - Floor
14-08 - Interior Design - Wall
14-09 - Insert From Revit Library
14-10 - Use Revit City
14-11 - Task Interior
14-12 - Stair Introduction
14-13 - Prepare Stair
14-14 - Option Bar - Stair
14-15 - Instance Parameters – Stair
14-16 - Type Parameters – Stair
14-17 - Error In Stair Modeling
14-18 - Create Stair Finish
14-19 - Extend Below Riser
14-20 - End With Riser
14-21 - Stair Opening
14-22 - Landing Settings
14-23 - Other Stair Components
14-24 - Multi Story Stair
14-25 - Convert To Stair by Sketch
14-26 - Task Stair
14-27 - Q And A