
BIM for Infrastructure (Arabic)

BIM for Infrastructure (Arabic)
800 USD 400 USD
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238 Lessons in 13 Chapters
86 Hours & 52 Minutes
31 Students in 6 Countries
Ahmed elshenawi Senior BIM Infrastructure Coordinator

This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of BIM principles and practices specifically tailored for infrastructure projects. Participants will learn how to implement BIM workflows, utilize specialized software for infrastructure design, collaborate effectively, and manage data for infrastructure projects.
Basic knowledge of civil engineering principles and familiarity with design software would be beneficial but not mandatory. An understanding of BIM concepts or prior experience with BIM workflows is advantageous.

  • This course is suitable for civil engineers, infrastructure planners, project managers, BIM coordinators, and anyone involved in infrastructure design and construction interested in applying BIM methodologies.
  • Certificate from KAYAN Academy
  • Certificate from Autodesk
  • 40% Assignments
  • 60% To pass the course and receive both Autodesk certificate & KAYAN Academy certificate you should:
    • Attending at least 80% of Course Hours.
    • Score more than 70% as a Total Score.


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Course Curriculum
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01-01 - General introduction
01-02 - BIM Definition Introduction
01-03 - Software introduction
02-01 - Points-Coordinate System
02-02 - points-Create Points
02-03 - Points-import points
02-04 - Points-Points Group
02-05 - Points-Points New Format
02-06 - Points-Description Key Sets
02-07 - Surface-Create Surface
02-08 - Surface-Surface Definition
02-09 - Surface-Breaklines
02-10 - Surface-Surface Labels
02-11 - Surface-Edit Surfaces
02-12 - Surface-Extract From Surface
02-13 - Surface- Properties and Style
02-14 - Surface- Analysis
02-15 - Surface-Volumes and Materials
02-16 - Alignment-Alignment Criteria
02-17 - Alignment-Horizontal Curves
02-18 - Alignment-Superelevation
02-19 - Alignment-Create Alignment
02-20 - Alignment-Layout Tools
02-21 - Alignment-Calculate Superelevation
02-22 - Alignment-Alignment Properties
02-23 - Alignment-Merge Alignments
02-24 - Alignment-CAD To Civil 3d
02-25 - Profile-Technicals
02-26 - Profile-Creat Profile View
02-27 - Profile- Profile View Style
02-28 - Profile-Design Profile
02-29 - Profile-Labels
02-30 - Profile-Project Object
02-31 - Profile-Bands
03-01 - Assembly-Assembly Definition
03-02 - Assembly-Create Assembly
03-03 - Assembly-ToolPalette
03-04 - Assembly-Generic Pavement Structure
03-05 - Assembly-Subassembly from polyline
03-06 - Assembly-Median Depressed
03-07 - Corridor-Create Corridor
03-08 - Corridor- Corridor Parameters
03-09 - Corridor- Modify Corridors
03-10 - Corridor- Corridor Targets
03-11 - Corridor- Extract Data from Corridors
03-12 - Corridor- Corridor Tips & Tricks
03-13 - SubAssemply Corridor - Introduction
03-14 - SAC- Geometry
03-15 - SAC- Input output parameters
03-16 - SAC- Superelevation
03-17 - SAC- Export To Civil 3D
03-18 - SAC- WorkFlow
03-19 - SAC- Grade
03-20 - SAC- Advanced Geometry1
03-21 - SAC- Advanced Geometry2
03-22 - SAC- Advanced Geometry3
03-23 - SAC- Auxiliary
03-24 - SAC- Miscellaneous
03-25 - SAC- Enumeration
03-26 - SAC- IS Valid
03-27 - Quantities-Sample Line
03-28 - Quantities-Compute Materials
03-29 - Sections-Create Section View
03-30 - Sections-Section View Properties
03-31 - Sections-Band
03-32 - Payitems
03-33 - Property Sets
03-34 - Featureline-Create Featureline
03-35 - Featureline-Edit Geometry
03-36 - Featureline-Edit Elevation
03-37 - Grading
03-38 - Parcel-Parcel Layout Tools
03-39 - Parcel-Parcel STYLE&PROPERTIES
03-40 - Parcel-Parcel Labels
03-41 - Intersection-P1
03-42 - Intersection-P2
03-43 - Interchange-P1
03-44 - Interchange-P2
03-45 - Data Shortcut
03-46 - New Corridors Update (Traansition_Multiple)
04-01 - Network-Pipe Rules
04-02 - Network-Part List
04-03 - Network-Create Gravity Network
04-04 - Network-Expressions & Labels
04-05 - Network-Part Builder Editing
04-06 - Network-Part uilder Modeling1
04-07 - Network-Part uilder Modeling2
04-08 - Network-Pressure Network
04-09 - Network-Content Catalog Editor
04-10 - Network-Custom Fitting
04-11 - Network-Infrastructure Part Editor
04-12 - Infrastructur Part Editor Custom Eccentric Manhole Part1
04-13 - Custom Eccentric Manhole P2
04-14 - Infrastructur Part Editor Custom Rectangle Manhole P1
04-15 - Infrastructur Part Editor Custom Rectangle Manhole P2
04-16 - Gravity Profile Band P1
04-17 - Gravity Profile Band P2
04-18 - Cable and Duct Subassembly Electricity
04-19 - New Update pipe Run Plan Part_1
04-20 - New Updae Pipe Run Plan Part_2
04-21 - New Update Pipe Run Profile
04-22 - Multiswap Through Project Explorer
04-23 - back drop Through Inventor
04-24 - Back drop through IPE
04-25 - Street Lighting Pole Through Inventor
04-26 - Street Lighting Configrations
04-27 - Reference Template
05-01 - Survey-Area
05-02 - Survey-Contours
05-03 - Survey-Introduction
05-04 - Survey-Levelling
05-05 - Survey-Scale
05-06 - Survey-Traversing
05-07 - Survey-Survey Tool
05-08 - Survey-Figure Prefix Linwork
05-09 - Survey-Application
06-01 - Introduction
06-02 - what is Dynamo
06-03 - Geometry
06-04 - Data Type
06-05 - Status Color
06-06 - subassembly Data
06-07 - Code block
06-08 - Selection
06-09 - Autocad
06-10 - Extract Points from corridor
06-11 - Solids Slids by plane
06-12 - Export Civil 3D Data to Excel
06-13 - Subassembly Export
06-14 - Multiswap
07-01 - ACP - Part 1
07-02 - ACP - Part 2
07-03 - ACP - Part 3
08-01 - BIM Introduction + Revit interface
08-02 - Levels & Grids
08-03 - Structural Walls
08-04 - Analytical Walls & Wall openings
08-05 - Structural Columns & Analatycal columns
08-06 - Analytical Columns+Structure Foundation+Structure Framing
08-07 - structure framing, Floors, Ramps, Floor Openings & Framing openings
08-08 - Stairs
08-09 - Families (Structural Column)
08-10 - Families (Corbel&Structure Framing)
08-11 - Structure Framing&Steel Structure project
08-12 - Steel structure project & Start of Reinforcement
08-13 - Reinforcement Part 2
08-14 - Reinforcement Part 3
08-15 - Reinforcement Part 4
08-16 - Reinforcement Part 5
08-17 - Visibilty
08-18 - Model in Place
08-19 - Annotations
08-20 - Scheduling
08-21 - Viewrange
08-22 - Phasing & Design Options & Filters
09-01 - Introduction to overpass &Project Setup
09-02 - Foundation
09-03 - Piles
09-04 - Abutment Walls
09-05 - Rest of Abutment Walls
09-06 - Sample of Pier Family
09-07 - Deck family and Deck abutment placement
09-08 - Placement of Decks
09-09 - Piers and bearing Placement
09-10 - MSE Walls
09-11 - Introduction to underpass
09-12 - Tunnel Foundation
09-13 - Rest of PC&RC
09-14 - Piles
09-15 - Walls
09-16 - Rest of walls
09-17 - New Pump Room
09-18 - Linking overpass with underpass and sheet creation
10-01 - Introduction
10-02 - EX1 Edit Dimensioning
10-03 - EX2 Chamfer & Extrusion
10-04 - Flange & Bolts
10-05 - EX3
10-06 - EX4
10-07 - Base Plate for Fixing Pumps
10-08 - EX5
10-09 - Drawing Sheets
10-10 - Transformer Chamber1
10-11 - Transformer Chamber2
10-12 - Manhole1
10-13 - Manhole2
10-14 - Valve Chambers
11-01 - Intro + From revit to Navisworks
11-02 - Opening Revit file into Navisworks + Publish NWD + Sheet Browser
11-03 - Selection inspector + Navigation(View tab) + Sectioning
11-04 - Rest of sectionning & Navigation
11-05 - Selection tree & finding items + adding parameters
11-06 - Item tools & linking options
11-07 - Review tab
11-08 - Rest of review tab
11-09 - 4D (Animator)
11-10 - 4D (Scripter) & Render
11-11 - 4d (Timeliner& Simulation)
11-12 - 4D (Data source & mapping items to tasks)+5D preview
11-13 - Clash detection introduction
11-14 - Clash detection (Filter & going through clashes)
11-15 - Quantification
11-16 - Quantification (sheets)
11-17 - Conclusion and Tip
12-01 - Part01
12-02 - Part02
12-03 - Part03
12-04 - Part04
13-01 - Introduction
13-02 - Cloud BIM360
13-03 - Application option
13-04 - View setting
13-05 - Terrain Themes
13-06 - Model builder
13-07 - Proposals
13-08 - Model Explorer
13-09 - Data Sources
13-10 - Buildings
13-11 - Parking
13-12 - PlayGround
13-13 - Fence
13-14 - Land Area
13-15 - Selection
13-16 - City Furniture
13-17 - Style Palette
13-18 - Planning Road
13-19 - Grading
13-20 - Superelevation
13-21 - Profile
13-22 - Create Assembly p1
13-23 - Create Assembly p2
13-24 - Edit Alignment
13-25 - Intersection
13-26 - Roundabout
13-27 - Export IMX
13-28 - Sight Distance
13-29 - Bridge Introduction
13-30 - Bridge Deck